Testi e materiali delle prove di ammissione degli anni accademici precedenti

Testi, materiali multimediali, informazioni e consigli per prepararsi alle prove di ammissione ai nostri corsi di studio

International MA Programme in Specialized Translation

Here you can download sample translations reproducing the difficulty level of part 2 of the entrance test for the international Master's in Specialized Translation.

For the entrance test, after passing the OOPT test, you will carry out one translation from/into Chinese, French, German, Russian or Spanish into/from Italian (you can choose the direction of the translation).

You are allowed a maximum of three dictionaries (= three volumes). No Internet access, no electronic device.

N.B. Use the 2016/2017 samples bearing in mind that the translation test is a bit different now in terms of time given and number of words. For the specific contents of the 2018/2019 translation test, please refer to the entrance exam call for application

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